Thank You for Walking Through Poo

Thank you nurses for all that you do
Even for walking through piles of poo.
Its not easy being a nurse right now
It’s not like each day you take a bow.
No one is cheering or singing your praises
Or as you leave shouting thankful phrases.
It’s the selfless work you do for patients
That makes us hold you in such high station.
Thank you! Thank you! We all say!
We hope you have a wonderful day!

Difficult to Please Family, Really?

I am so frustrated that you are unhappy
Your family member could die and all you care about are things stupid and crappie.
I talk to doctors, push IV meds, take their vitals umpteen times
And all you do is point out the dirt on the floor as if it were a crime
Well I am so sad to report that while saving their life
My skills as a housekeeper were slightly under strife

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