Nurses Week 2015, Thank You Nurses!

Nurses week is an exciting peak!
It’s a time to Nurses that is unique.
Today we celebrate your daily caring,
And your grand amazingness we are declaring!

Thank you for all you do everyday,
For how much you care and the kind things you say.
Thank you for caring for our family and loved ones,
From our hearts to yours, WE LOVE NURSES TONS!

Nursing School’s Joy is the End

Finishing semesters in school is the best feeling
Like a pig in the mud, I just might start squealing!
No more papers to write or things to turn in
Or crappy assignments from crap to gold I spin.
Soon I will rest and in the quietness caress
The thought that one day school will be over
And I will into the workforce crossover.
I will turn into Scrooge, hoarding my money
My disposition will be so much brighter and sunny.
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